Manitouwabing Cottage
Product: Hook Sconce
Architecture & Interiors: VFA

Manitouwabing Cottage
Product: Screen Light
Architecture & Interiors: VFA

Manitouwabing Cottage
Product: Hook Sconce
Architecture & Interiors: VFA

Residence, Prince Edward County
Product: Hook Sconce
Architecture & Interiors: Vosjes Architecture
Photo: Found My Thrill

Residence, Prince Edward County
Product: Hook Sconce
Architecture & Interiors: Vosjes Architecture
Photo: Found My Thrill

Residence, Prince Edward County
Product: Hook Sconce
Architecture & Interiors: Vosjes Architecture
Photo: Found My Thrill

Residence, Toronto
Product: Well Planter Light
Interiors: VFA
Photo: Doublespace Photography

Residence, Toronto
Product: Well Planter Light
Interiors: VFA
Photo: Doublespace Photography

Trivali Office, Vancouver
Product: Well Planter Light
Interiors: Aura

Product: Hook Sconce
Architecture & Interiors: Alison Milne Co.
Photo: Riley Snelling

West Hurley Residence, New York
Product: Hook Sconce
Architecture & Interiors: Jeremy Babel

The Stow Brothers, South Woodward Office, UK
Product: Hemisphere Pendant Planter
Interiors: Studio Milne
Photo: Alexandria Hall Photography

The Stow Brothers, South Woodward Office, UK
Product: Hemisphere Pendant Planter
Interiors: Studio Milne
Photo: Alexandria Hall Photography

The Stow Brothers, South Woodward Office, UK
Product: Hemisphere Pendant Planter
Interiors: Studio Milne
Photo: Alexandria Hall Photography

The Stow Brothers, South Woodward Office, UK
Product: Hemisphere Pendant Planter
Interiors: Studio Milne
Photo: Alexandria Hall Photography

PPI Office, Vancouver
Product: Babylon Light
Interiors: Aura

Altona Civic Centre, Melbourne
Product: Babylon Light
Interiors: GroupGSA architect

Altona Civic Centre, Melbourne
Product: Babylon Light
Interiors: GroupGSA architect

Altona Civic Centre, Melbourne
Product: Babylon Light
Interiors: GroupGSA architect

Residence, Toronto
Product: Well Light Planter
Interiors: VFA

MRC Media Office, Beverly Hills
Product: Babylon Light

Interior Design Show, Toronto
Product: Well Planter Light
Architect: VFA

Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Toronto
Product: Hemisphere Pendant Planter
Interiors: Hariri Pontarini Architects
Photo: Andrew Manson

Bitehaus Dental Clinic, Toronto
Product: Hemisphere Pendant Planter
Interiors: PROP
Photo: Kuba Los

Cottage, Muskoka
Product: Hook Sconce
Architect: VFA

Residence, Toronto
Product: Well Light Planter
Interiors: VFA
Photo: Cindy Blazevic

Residence, London
Product: Babylon Light
Interiors: Emilie Fournet Interiors
Photo: Rachael Smith (for the Observer)

Cottage, Muskoka
Product: Everything Table
Architect: VFA

Residence, Toronto
Product: Well Light Planter & Cluster Canopy
Interiors: VFA
Photo: Scott Norsworthy

WVRST, Union Station, Toronto
Product: Well Planter Light (custom finish)
Architect: Giannone Petricone Associates
Photographer: Cindy Blazevic

WVRST, Union Station, Toronto
Product: Well Planter Light (custom finish)
Architect: Giannone Petricone Associates
Photographer: Cindy Blazevic

Cottage, Muskoka
Product: Well Planter Light
Architect: VFA

Fold Co-Working Office, Toronto
Product: Babylon Light
Architect: VFA
Photo: Andrew Manson

Private Cottage, Canada
Product: Brass Rail Shelf
Architect: VFA

Lululemon, Toronto
Product: Well Planter Light

Crown Heights Home, Brooklyn
Product: Babylon Light
Photo: Floto + Warner

SunLife Organics, Manhattan Beach, California
Product: Babylon Light
Architect/Photo: Hughes Umban Howar Architects

SunLife Organics, Manhattan Beach, California
Product: Babylon Light
Architect/Photo: Hughes Umban Howar Architects

Fold co-working Office, Toronto
Product: Babylon Light
Interiors: VFA

Fold co-working Office, Toronto
Product: Babylon Light
Interiors: VFA

Fold co-working Office, Toronto
Product: Babylon Light
Interiors: VFA

Fold co-working Office, Toronto
Product: Everything Table
Interiors: VFA

Office, Singapore
Product: Babylon Light

Residence, Toronto
Product: Well Light Planter
Interiors: VFA
Photo: Cindy Blazevic

Residence, Toronto
Product: Well Planter Light
Interiors: Modernkind Inc

OVO Sound, Toronto
Product: Babylon Light
Interiors: IVIVIVIV

Nomad PDX, Restaurant, Portland
Product: Well Planter Light
Interiors: Golden Rule Design

Residence, Sydney, Australia
Product: Babylon Light
Architect: Tribe Studio
Photographer: Katherine Lu
Press: Archdaily

Residence, Sydney, Australia
Product: Babylon Light
Architect: Tribe Studio
Photographer: Katherine Lu
Press: Archdaily

Residence, Sydney, Australia
Product: Babylon Light
Architect: Tribe Studio
Photographer: Katherine Lu
Press: Archdaily

Residence, Plobsheim, France
Product: Well Planter Light

Oxus Pectopah — Moscow, Russia
Product: Babylon Lights
Architect: Archpoint
Photo: Olga Melekestseva

Oxus Pectopah — Moscow, Russia
Product: Babylon Lights
Architect: Archpoint
Photo: Olga Melekestseva

Sakura Bar & Garden, Hotel Marinela, Sofia, Bulgaria
Product: Babylon Lights

Residence, Toronto, Canada
Product: Well Planter Light
Photo: Cindy Blazevic

Cottage, Canada
Product: Well Light - Pill

Cottage, Muskoka, Canada
Product: Well Planter Light

Pilot Coffee Roasters, Manulife Centre, Toronto, Canada
Product: Babylon Lights
Architect: Williamson Williamson
Photo: Scott Norsworthy

Pilot Coffee Roasters, Manulife Centre, Toronto, Canada
Product: Babylon Lights
Architect: Williamson Williamson
Photo: Scott Norsworthy